Our coffees and blends are also available in compatible capsules for the best Nespresso and Lavazza A Modo Mio coffee machine brands. In an instant you can prepare a perfect cup of espresso coffee even at home, just like at the café, thanks to our delicious and high-quality roastery products.
A tasting kit A tasting kit consisting of 5 Arabica 100% Blend pods....
Our Bar Blend is also available in the format compatible with Nescafè Dolce Gusto® machines and allows you to enjoy a perfect cup of café-style coffee at home any time.
Capsules compatible with Lavazza A Modo Mio® capsules with our Bar Blend flavor. Full-bodied with an intense flavor: café-style coffee at your home.
Our Nespresso®* compatible capsules are compatible with a large number of coffee machines, as the machines Citiz, Pixie and Essenza for domestic use with Nespresso brand*. Contact us for further informations.
Our conic capsules are compatible with a large number of coffee machines, as the machines Citiz, Pixie and Essenza for domestic use with Nespresso brand*. Contact us for further informations.
Capsules compatible with Bialetti® capsules with our Bar Blend flavor. Full-bodied with an intense flavor: café-style coffee at your home.